Matchmaking services in Flagstaff with the French Matchmaker
Various Age options:
Over 50
Meet someone in your age range while in a small group setting.
Join the Waitlist and wait for the Matchmaker to contact you when the ideal Match is available (1 Match).
The Matchmaker will assign at her discretion. Amourdetoi hosts events at regular intervals of time.
HIKING ATTIRE - Embark on an in-person Matchmaking journey while outdoors. Matchmaker Ivana will curate a list of matches for you to meet 1-1 in a low stress outdoor environment.
Join Singles in your preferred age range for short 1-1 hikes for a fun time of mingle and friendship.
*Singles must live in Idaho. Expect to be matched with a single living in Boise and surroundings areas.
In order to take part in this Matchmaking Event, you must fill the "Pre-screen" Questionnaire (located at the bottom of this page) at the time of registration. Failure to fill the Pre-screen in a timely manner will result in an automatic refund. Must be outdoorsy and active. Must have time to dedicate into finding the love of their life this year.
By joining the waitlist you will increase your chances of meeting someone new, far or near, as love may not be where you expect it to be.
IN-PERSON: Camels Back Park or other Outdoor Setting in the Boise area.
Date: April 26th 2025 (subject to change)
Time: 9HO00AM MST - 11h30AM MST (subject to change)
Rules will be posted at a later date and will be emailed/private message.
No refunds unless cancelled. In the case the Matchmaker cannot find you a Match, she will let you know and refund the fee in full. This is a commitment to your love quest.
Spots are always limited.
Once the event date is determined, the Matchmaker will email/text details (check your Email Spam Folder).
Text Matchmaker Ivana at (928) 853-7451 for any questions that you may have or use the "Contact Us" form in the website.
"Three years a widower, 76 in April, I do a lot of traveling and pickleball and haven't found a lady to keep up with me. Ivana has taken me out of my comfort zone, a very positive thing in my case. Still waiting for that "right" connection but at least Ivana has me on the mound and swinging. She takes the time to meet you, to be interested in your personality, and to question you about your dreams. I give her an A+ in effort, customer care, and getting people like me out there."
Various Age options:
Over 50
Meet someone in your age range while in a small group setting.
Join the Waitlist and wait for the Matchmaker to contact you when the ideal Matches are available. (2 Matches Minimum)
The Matchmaker will assign at her discretion. Amourdetoi hosts events at regular intervals of time. Matchmaker Ivana will curate a list of matches for you to meet 1-1 in a low stress virtual setting.
COCTAIL ATTIRE - Enjoy a glass of wine or cocktail or sip on iced tea at home while embarking yourself on an unconventional Matchmaking Journey -Virtually.
Join Singles in your preferred age range on a Regional 1 on 1 Matchmaking Virtual Mixer for a fun time of mingle and friendship.
*Singles must live in the Pacific Northwest region, Southwest, surrounding States and France. A large percentage of singles attending are locally based in Arizona (Flagstaff, Sedona, Prescott, and Scottsdale).
In order to take part in this Matchmaking Event, you must fill the "Pre-screen" Questionnaire (located at the bottom of this page) at the time of registration. Failure to fill the Pre-screen in a timely manner will result in an automatic refund. Must be outdoorsy and active. Must have time to dedicate into finding the love of their life in 2025.
By joining the waitlist you will increase your chances of meeting someone new, far or near, as love may not be where you expect it to be.
Date: To Be Determined (On a week-end).
Time: 1h00PM-3h00PM (Subject to change)
Rules will be posted at a later date and will be emailed/private message.
No refunds unless cancelled. In the case the Matchmaker cannot find you a Match, she will let you know and refund the fee in full. This is a commitment to your love quest.
Spots are always limited.
Once the event date is determined, the Matchmaker will email/text details (check your Email Spam Folder).
Text Matchmaker Ivana at (928) 853-7451 for any questions that you may have or use the "Contact Us" form in the website.
"My experience with Amourdetoi has been exciting , fulfilling and successful. I appreciate Ivana so much for her help and persistence. It's such a joy to converse with her. I highly recommend Ivana's services."
STEP 1: Fill the Matchmaking Event "Pre-Screen" Questionnaire.
STEP 2: Pay the Waitlist Fee (above) and read the rules.
Note: You will not be registered unless you pay the associated fee and fill the Matchmaking Questionnaire (within the same day).